Monthly Archives: October 2015

Archive of posts published in the specified Month


Auden and I took Milli for a walk Saturday. He sucked on a Trader Joe’s lollipop and we walked about. At one point, he pulled it out of his mouth and proudly showed the crescent it had become and said, “Look, Mom, it’s…


Over the years I have cobbled together something that might be interpreted as an eclectic style.  This is not to say that I have had this perpetual affectation, just that somehow no matter what the current trends were, I always managed to syncopate…


Last week Sandy and I celebrated 14 years of marriage.  We married October 6, 2001, less than a month after the towers fell, and a week after Sandy’s 28th birthday (September 26). Just under four years later, on August 16, 2005, we had…


When an author introduces magical or supernatural power of invisibility, the author wrestles with the logistics of it.  How does it turn on and off, or does it?  Does the character have to wear makeup to be seen?  Does the character have to…

What Exactly Is the Problem?

Sandy scheduled us to meet with a couples therapist that my therapist recommended.  Ironically, our first session is on our anniversary.  I wonder how I should begin to explain the situation.  Why exactly are we seeking therapy? I am going to just start…

To Ted

I can live in a good laugh.  I think that’s part of why I love you.  You make laughs that are long enough to to get a little lost in. Thank you.