All of us have lived through tragic or tragically absurd events.  When I was younger, I think I was much better at crafting these into ludicrous stories to be shared at dinner parties for the amusement of others.  I could make people laugh.  I was no comedienne, but in a self deprecating retelling, I could elicit a giggle or two.  Somehow over the years I stopped; motherhood and marriage having fractured my ability to deliver a good punch line.  

Recently, I struck up a friendship with a coworker that has revived some sense of being humorous.  Honestly, she is the funny one.  I may be hysterical – and yes with its multiple meanings – but she is a riot.  She delivers single ironic lines with aplomb, but truly she excels at the engaging retelling of some tragic event.  From describing her casket-making hometown to marital trials and tribulations, I haven’t laughed this hard in years.  It feels good.  For that I am thankful.