Oh, the Places You'll Go!It is graduation season, when Dr. Seuss’s classic, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” is sold out on Amazon. When we received our own copies years ago, we were simultaneously elated and terrified. With an unwarranted sense of preparedness, we set forth on our lives’ journeys.  I, personally, imagined many things for myself: career success, social assurance, romantic gratification, and many other things.  Well, if you are over forty, then I suspect that you understand that we don’t always end up where we intended.  But this isn’t a post about regrets.  It’s about  getting what you dreamed of in unexpected ways.  

I would collect art…


I would always be a voracious reader.


I would regularly attend the theater or dance.


I would continue to follow and collect contemporary music.

I would attend concerts.


I would enjoy fine dining.

In line at Picante

I would travel.


And sometimes it is about getting what you never thought you could have.
