Monthly Archives: January 2018

Archive of posts published in the specified Month

The Plot of the Matter

I am taking another memoir writing class, and this weeks’ writing assignment proves challenging.  We are to first draw a timeline of our story, to identify a scene to put the story in motion, and to find the question that is trying to…

Furiously Fabulous Friends

Jenny Lawson @TheBloggess has the coolest friends.  It’s really not fair.  I am belatedly reading/listening* Furiously Happy.  First, she mentioned her friend Neil Gaiman @NeilGaiman helping her through her first audio book recording. And I’m like, no way?!.  Then she name drops Brene Brown…

Locks, Fences and Moats

When and where I grew up, no one locked their doors.  I don’t mean house doors.  That’s not that unusual.  Not even now.  I mean car doors.  Not only that, but people even left their car keys in the ignition.  I was in…

Reading, Writing and Recidivism

I took a leave from work over the summer, effectively taking off June, July and August.  I intended to de-stress and to write.  Retrospectively, I should have made allowances and plans for both of those things before embarking upon that venture.  The chaos…