Monthly Archives: October 2018

Archive of posts published in the specified Month

The inner me… a start

In my Pilates personal training studio class – and right there you already know so much about me – my instructor, a stunning woman who clearly practices what she preaches, adorned in matching compression tights and workout top, advised us to close our…

When I Was Seven

Photo of Sease's Greenshouse in 1977

My parents moved to a sliver of farmland in Indiana in 1974.  I was four.  They were 27. Within three years, when I was seven, they had crafted a greenhouse business in the middle of nowhere, from an improbable notion, and an incomprehensible…

Shhhhh… staying mum about maybe being a mum

Don’t worry, I’m not pregnant.  My eggs are poached and my womb was removed a couple of years ago.  No, it’s someone else:  a colleague of mine’s  sister.  Her sister has only told my colleague, because she’s “mature” and afraid to tell anyone…