Author Archives

Archive of the posts written by author : Robin.

Writing about writing… well, or about being read

Because I am apparently a masochist who needed to come down from feeling pretty good about writing after a writing class, I am simultaneously reading I’m Just Happy to Be Here by Janelle Hanchett and Let’s Take the Long Way Home by Gail Caldwell. Both…

From snow days to smoke days

As a kid, on bitter winter mornings, when we clustered around the woodstove elbowing each other, “Mom!”-ing and “Not fair!”-ing, we would hush and huddle during the morning news report of school closures. “All Miami County schools are closed due to inclement road…

Press here

As a parent I spend too little time when I am with my children considering the impact of my actions and reactions and too much time fretting about it when I am not around them.  My brain spins on the harshness of some…

Getting Away

Note:  This post began months ago over Labor Day weekend.  For reasons noted below it was not posted until mid-November. Sandy needed a weekend away.  For him, backpacking provided solace and restoration, so in spite of the kids’ activities on Saturday morning, we…

There are no late fees

I’m midway through reading Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle, and I do not want to stop.  I want to swallow this book whole the way I have so many more before it. She sings to me, even in the differences of our lives,…

The inner me… a start

In my Pilates personal training studio class – and right there you already know so much about me – my instructor, a stunning woman who clearly practices what she preaches, adorned in matching compression tights and workout top, advised us to close our…

When I Was Seven

Photo of Sease's Greenshouse in 1977

My parents moved to a sliver of farmland in Indiana in 1974.  I was four.  They were 27. Within three years, when I was seven, they had crafted a greenhouse business in the middle of nowhere, from an improbable notion, and an incomprehensible…

Shhhhh… staying mum about maybe being a mum

Don’t worry, I’m not pregnant.  My eggs are poached and my womb was removed a couple of years ago.  No, it’s someone else:  a colleague of mine’s  sister.  Her sister has only told my colleague, because she’s “mature” and afraid to tell anyone…

Cousin It

I struggle to remember my life growing up.  I visited my parents in Indiana a couple of weeks ago, and I took the time to photograph photograph albums and the photos within.  I recall the stories associated with many of them, but I…

Kids, Critters, Claws, Cages, and Crap

Me, Eliot, Siouxsie, George, and Oli

Parenting children and care-taking critters requires a certain flexibility with mayhem.  Some people handle it like life-time surfers, head-first diving into the next unpredictable wave.  Others manage with a Lord of the Flies approach, letting it all settle out on its own.  We…