Author Archives

Archive of the posts written by author : Robin.

“Really?” Real?

My husband and son got back from camping this weekend, only it wasn’t “real” camping according to Sandy.  Next weekend when he and Eliot go backpacking for four days constitutes “real” camping. The other morning, a guy I know admired my electric bucket…

I made it

I fell in love and married a man who went to private schools from k-8, graduated from an Ivy League university, and whose parents are both doctors.  Being asked to marry him was one of a lengthy list of “I made it” moments.…


There is a certain amount of time everyday that I simply need to decompress alone, usually with the comfort of a book*.  At any given time I usually have two to four books in progress:  one piece of fluffy fantasy, one assigned portion…


I’ve neglected posting anything for a while.  I’ve been in a memoir writing class, the second that I’ve taken with Left Margin Lit in Berkeley.  I’ve enjoyed and grown from both and plan to take another soon.  It’s an honor to be in…

Pussy Party Collective

Last fall a creative and courageous friend of mine called upon her artistic friends to put together a zine and pop art show to raise awareness and money for Planned Parenthood. The theme of the art was synonyms for “pussy.” (Her co-curator and she…


My writing exercise for my memoir class last night: So. I am bicycling home, having left work early with a perfectly valid excuse. I had broken my toe in a wee-hour, four-person free-for-all to observe the super blue blood moon this morning. Because…

The Plot of the Matter

I am taking another memoir writing class, and this weeks’ writing assignment proves challenging.  We are to first draw a timeline of our story, to identify a scene to put the story in motion, and to find the question that is trying to…

Furiously Fabulous Friends

Jenny Lawson @TheBloggess has the coolest friends.  It’s really not fair.  I am belatedly reading/listening* Furiously Happy.  First, she mentioned her friend Neil Gaiman @NeilGaiman helping her through her first audio book recording. And I’m like, no way?!.  Then she name drops Brene Brown…

Locks, Fences and Moats

When and where I grew up, no one locked their doors.  I don’t mean house doors.  That’s not that unusual.  Not even now.  I mean car doors.  Not only that, but people even left their car keys in the ignition.  I was in…

Reading, Writing and Recidivism

I took a leave from work over the summer, effectively taking off June, July and August.  I intended to de-stress and to write.  Retrospectively, I should have made allowances and plans for both of those things before embarking upon that venture.  The chaos…