Author Archives

Archive of the posts written by author : Robin.

Wearing thin

A bus driver lay on her horn at me the other morning as I crossed in front of her path a little close for both of our comfort.  I’m sure her heart missed a beat or two just as mine raced into gear…


My older son ran this morning… against his wishes.  But the rule is he has to do some activity, and that has defaulted to running with mom.  So like many of these Sunday morning runs, I have a lot of time to think while he…

Popular Dystopia – Where are the people of color?

Recently, I have been reading again.  I look for books for Eliot, pre-reading them.  Popular themes with him and YA in general include WWII (a favorite of his), minority voices and stories, and, of course, the ever-popular dystopian society.  Reading them I notice…

In his own image

I wonder sometimes if one of the key differences Sandy and my parenting styles stems from a fundamental belief or disbelief in ourselves. So often I find myself concerned about the boys.  And by so often, I mean pretty much constantly, except maybe…

Once upon a month…

the girls (our hounds)

It appears that I’m posting about once a month, at best.  I’m not writing much either.  I could come up with numerous excuses.  I know that subconsciously I sometimes avoid writing because it captures something.  That something is captured is significant.  It marks…

World Pancreatic Cancer Day

November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, and today is World Pancreatic Cancer day!  A day to lift your voice to encourage your leaders: political, industrial, academic, commercial, and social to support research to increase survival rates. The facts are grim. But our hope…


Today is a day that I’m pushing through molasses.  I could compare it to walking on a sticky trap like the one we once used ineffectively to capture a rat in our home, but I prefer the image to be sweet even if…

The day to day

I’ve been remiss on day to day journaling and the capturing of the events of our lives.  Most evenings are filled with homework and music practice and scrambling together something slightly nutritious that doesn’t make me feel like we are completely failing as…

Mad, mad women

I just finished listening to the audiobook of Lena Dunham’s Not That Kind of Girl. I recommend it.  As a group of personal essays/memoirs go, it may be a bit jumbled, but I like it.  She groups incidents and insights topically rather than…

The Luxury and Liability of Leisure

I find my summer has dissipated with me having accomplished virtually nothing. I return to work tomorrow. I return, not necessarily because I love my job, but because it is a job.  I find that working excuses me (internally) from housework and projects.…