Author Archives

Archive of the posts written by author : Robin.

Community, Socializing, and Block Parties…. Oh My!

We’ve been invited for the 13th time to the annual block party.  We make a meager appearance maybe one out of three visits.  In our defense, we’re technically not on the block or in the part that is barricaded anyway.  We’re at the…

Apasia…, no, I mean aphasia

Words occasionally get scrambled between my brain and my mouth.  I’m fairly certain it’s a side-effect of Lyrica, which has gifted me with several new skills, this among them.  Of course, I’m also a 47 year old woman with a five-year-old and an…


Three weeks ago I injured (or re-injured) my elbow in a violent crab-grass + stepping stone incident.  It was I  versus the crab grass, whose abundant roots had lifted one of the stones in my foot path out of place.  Auden cheered me…

Why it’s extremely difficult to teach an old dog new tricks OR why learning to run when you’re over 40 hurts so much

It’s amazing how difficult it is to run correctly.  To consciously breathe appropriately, to lift your legs using the right muscles, to strike your foot and keep your ankle strong and roll through until you lift the leg again.  And you have to…

To a friend recovering from heart surgery

I am sharing what I wrote to a friend who is recovering from heart surgery.  I could probably benefit from following my own advice. Staying alive is good, but I understand about the hospital.  I both loathed it and loved it.  Part of…

Parting Clouds

Helen Benton Brown

I said goodbye to my grandmother Friday.   She died May 1, 2017 after ninety three years.  Two days ago, June 30, 2017, we had a graveside service for her.  Nothing fancy.  Just family.  My mother’s touching eulogy and the tribute from the…

Jinx! You’re It in Toronto

I spent the morning in the High Park neighborhood of Toronto, first on a run and then later walking through the main boulevard in search of produce.  I noticed is how everyone ogled my tattoos.  The stares were blatant.  Not necessarily in appreciation.…

The peculiar instance of something just like everything else

why is it that we want to be like everyone else, but to stand out? we are struggling to empathize with people even though we want to be the same. We are fascinated with real life stories rather than fictionalized accounts because we…

I should have had more to drink

Based upon tests, scans and consultations with four gastroenterologists in SF, Berkeley, Oakland, and Stanford, and a consulting rheumatologist, I have idiopathic, possibly autoimmune Chronic Pancreatitis, along with two other autoimmune disorders.  Chronic pancreatitis is a disease characterized by a painful progressive destruction…

The good, the bad, and the bulky

I’m not sure that I chronicled this, but several weeks ago my “remission” from pancreatitis came to an end.  The pain crept back over the course of a couple of days. Thankfully, my medical team was responsive, and within three weeks, my GI…