Author Archives

Archive of the posts written by author : Robin.

More or Less

Lynne Twist describes the myth of scarcity simply in The Soul of Money. She asserts that the myth rests on three tenets: more is better, there isn’t enough, and that’s just the way it is. Assuming those, then you can expand upon them.…

On December

I hate December. December inspires in me overwhelming levels of guilt and shame like no other month. It’s the month that we reflect on the past year and try to catch up on all of the things that we failed to accomplish, to provide,…

Philistinism, nescience, and sciolism . . . oh my.

Better writers than I have lamented the decline of respect for intellectualism and culture. It is a backlash, I’m sure, to the decades or centuries that intellectuals have mocked the ignorant, uneducated, or ‘simple folk.’ In many ways, troubling or not, the recent…

23 and Me (but Not You)

In my sometimes desperate search to figure out my health, I did genetic testing. I signed up for 23 and Me, was sent a kit, did some spitting, and about six weeks later, became the proud owner of answers about my genetic self. Everything is presented in percentages,…

My Health or the Pretense of It

I look pretty good these days – or at least that’s what everyone says when they see me.  I have put back on the lost weight and mostly look well rested.  I manage to work, pick up kids after school, attend parenting events,…

Reality and the lens through which it is perceived

The start of the school year has been a little bumpy.  Auden started Kindergarten and has had some socialization and anger management issues.  Eliot began 6th grade and has been struggling with the amount of organization it requires to accomplish all of the…

Safety Dance

I saw my therapist, Madeline, yesterday.  We’d missed our last session because Auden had gotten sick.  I had some catching up to do. My therapist has a way of uncovering the source of things.  My issues, as I’m sure as are most folks’,…


There are days when you just wake up and think to yourself, I need to call in sick to work today.  Not because you are sick or feeling unwell, but because the fabric of yourself is ripping open with the need to write.  The…

University Outsourcing

Today I received an email from UPTE (union) about the outsourcing of technical and administrative positions at UCSF. Here’s the email: An article in Computerworld magazine by Patrick Thibodeau, confirms what we have been hearing: UCSF is outsourcing IT jobs. The service agreement that…

change and the interpretation of it

I was just chatting with Amy and wondered if a fundamental difference between how Sandy and I is how we see change. I see change as improvement, necessary constantly to be seeking it.  Life without change is impossible for me.  I cannot sit still…