Tag Archives

Archive of posts published in the tag: parenting

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As a parent I spend too little time when I am with my children considering the impact of my actions and reactions and too much time fretting about it when I am not around them.  My brain spins on the harshness of some…

Getting Away

Note:  This post began months ago over Labor Day weekend.  For reasons noted below it was not posted until mid-November. Sandy needed a weekend away.  For him, backpacking provided solace and restoration, so in spite of the kids’ activities on Saturday morning, we…

When I Was Seven

Photo of Sease's Greenshouse in 1977

My parents moved to a sliver of farmland in Indiana in 1974.  I was four.  They were 27. Within three years, when I was seven, they had crafted a greenhouse business in the middle of nowhere, from an improbable notion, and an incomprehensible…


There are so many thing that I wish I had known before having kids.  I cannot say that it would have prevented me from having them, but maybe I could have prepared better.  Unlikely, I know.  But it’s just plain rude to find out…