Tag Archives

Archive of posts published in the tag: reading

There are no late fees

I’m midway through reading Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle, and I do not want to stop.  I want to swallow this book whole the way I have so many more before it. She sings to me, even in the differences of our lives,…


There is a certain amount of time everyday that I simply need to decompress alone, usually with the comfort of a book*.  At any given time I usually have two to four books in progress:  one piece of fluffy fantasy, one assigned portion…

Reading, Writing and Recidivism

I took a leave from work over the summer, effectively taking off June, July and August.  I intended to de-stress and to write.  Retrospectively, I should have made allowances and plans for both of those things before embarking upon that venture.  The chaos…